This concept project has one clear mission: to boost employee retention at XenoVerse Solutions. How? By cultivating a more vibrant people culture and elevating leadership effectiveness through the implementation of active management techniques.

Active Management in the Workplace

  • Audience: Newly hired/promoted managers

  • Responsibilities:  Instructional Design, Action Mapping, Storyboarding, Script Writing, Visual Design, Animation, eLearning Development.

  • Tools Used: Articulate Storyline 360, Vyond, Adobe XD, Figma, Canva, MindMeister, Google Docs, Epidemic Sound, Pixabay.

The Problem

In the fictional tech company, XenoVerse Solutions, there has been a noticeable surge in employee turnover throughout the past year. After reviewing exit interviews from within the organization, I pinpointed the root cause as inadequate managerial leadership and an unfavorable workplace culture.

The Solution

I recommended an e-learning solution as the ideal method for managers to cultivate mindful application of active management techniques with their dispersed, global workforce. This approach proved advantageous due to the company's international, remote-based workforce. Moreover, it afforded managers the opportunity to refine their high-stakes decision-making skills within a low-stakes learning environment.

My Process

I employed the ADDIE model to craft the learning scenario, guiding the entire project lifecycle from analysis to evaluation. At each stage, I collaborated closely with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and stakeholders, seeking their valuable feedback to ensure alignment.

Action Map

I utilized Cathy Moore's action mapping methodology to collaborate with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in pinpointing the overarching business objectives of the organization. Together, we identified and underscored the critical actions that managers must undertake to attain these objectives. These prioritized actions underscored the significance of behavioral change rather than mere knowledge acquisition. This distinction is crucial since our ultimate aim is not only to enhance our learners' knowledge but also to inspire tangible improvements in their actions.

Text-Based Storyboard

Drawing from my early experiences in theatre, I leveraged my creative skills to design a text-based storyboard that serves as the project's foundational blueprint. This storyboard includes the complete script, questions, and the potential consequences of each choice. Additionally, I introduced a mentor character to offer on-demand guidance throughout the journey.

During this phase of development, I deliberately crafted a relatable narrative, immersing learners in each scenario to make them feel as though they were an integral part of the experience. This approach encourages learners to make choices they believe are best suited to the situation.

The immersive quality of this storyboard is exceptionally compelling, as it forges a strong connection between learners and the learning process. Consequently, learners often find themselves deeply contemplating their choices and the resulting consequences.

Visual Mockups

After finalizing the storyboard, I began the design phase by creating visual mockups using Adobe XD. My goal was to encapsulate the dynamic and innovative spirit often associated with tech companies. As a result, I opted for a lively and invigorating color palette, complemented by office scenes that deviated slightly from the traditional, conservative corporate setting, adding a touch of off-beat creativity to the visuals.

I went through several iterations of my style guide, exploring various options for buttons, fonts, color palettes, and character attributes. My aim was to create a cohesive design that adhered to the fundamental principles of contrast, alignment, balance, and repetition. Additionally, I placed a strong emphasis on inclusivity by designing a diverse set of characters to enhance the overall learning experience.

With the style guide in place, I had a solid framework to steer me through the development of both low and high-fidelity mockups. I iterated on each mockup based on the feedback received, ensuring a refined and user-centric design throughout the process.

Interactive Prototype

I proceeded to construct an interactive prototype using Articulate Storyline 360, which served as a valuable tool for gathering feedback on both functionality and visual aesthetics. The prototype encompassed the complete journey, from the introduction to the initial question and its subsequent outcomes. The feedback received played a crucial role in enhancing various design aspects, addressing issues related to buttons, object states, timelines, and more.

Full Development

After integrating the feedback gathered from the interactive prototype, I proceeded to develop the entire project. In this phase, I introduced camera and sound effects to enhance the overall learning experience, creating a more immersive and multisensory environment.

I further improved the final review scene by incorporating 'continue' buttons after each employee review. This seemingly simple adjustment significantly enhanced the accessibility of the experience, accommodating learners with varying reading speeds and taking cognitive load into consideration.

Results & Takeaways

The final project garnered positive praise from my peers and the learning and development community. Below are a few of their testimonials:

“It got me to really think hard about what choices I wanted to make as the character (you have really good answer choices, that in reality, I can see a manager doing!)-- really immersive experience!  I enjoyed the sound effects and little moments of success you placed throughout each question-- It kept me motivated and engaged!”

“As someone who’s been a manager for over 5 years, I found myself selecting answers, that after second thought, weren’t the best choices. It really called me to be more mindful of my approach and remember that every employee is different, and thus requires a different response.”

Below are a few of my takeaways after designing and developing this course:

  • The Process of Iteration

    • As someone who tends to be a bit of a perfectionist, I found myself on a mission to create the perfect learning scenario right from the start. But then, I had a little epiphany: the real perfection lies within the process of iteration itself. It's that journey that led me to scrutinize every angle and element, and I kept asking myself, 'How can I make this a better learning experience?' until I felt like I'd truly nailed the answer.

  • The Power of Creativity 

    • As I fully embraced my creative side, I embarked on a journey to craft a multi-dimensional learning experience that catered to learners' visual, auditory, emotional, social, and cognitive senses. This whole process taught me something valuable: creativity, when channeled effectively, can be the ultimate problem-solving tool.

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